2011 has been another challenging year. The higher education community is still navigating out of the economic downturn that troubles our state and country. As many of you know, the shortage in funding of the MAP Grant continues to act as an obstacle for our students. Illinois state budget cuts to MAP have adversely impacted Latino and African American communities that constitute the most underrepresented sectors in higher education.
We recently provided a formal response to the Illinois Higher Education Performance Funding Steering Committee. The twelve hour round trip to Southern Illinois University at Carbondale was long but worth it since we were the only Latino voice at the meeting. We invite you to join us at our 20th Annual Conference where we will be addressing many important questions that will impact the future of higher education, ILACHE, and the communities we serve. It will be hosted by DePaul University this year on Friday, March, 23, 2012. Our conference theme is Twenty Years: History, Transitions, and Empowerment. It promises to be a very memorable event. We invite you to visit our website, www.ilache.com and click on the conferene link. Hasta pronto!